Today’s Reality: Data without borders
The fragmented yet interconnected nature of the healthcare sector poses unique mobile security and regulatory challenges for providers and practitioners. But with electronic health records worth 50 times the value of credit cards on the black market, the industry is targeted with a constant and evolving stream of app and device security threats. With the flow of mHealth, patient and billing data transcending smartphones, tablets, wearables and medical devices, providers need an agile mobility solution that gives practitioners mobile data access while complying with stringent PHI and HIPAA requirements.

Regulatory Compliance: Higher Stakes Demand Higher Security
Healthcare providers which fail to comply with government legislation and industry regulation face stiff fines and penalties, in addition to lasting brand reputation damage. Healthcare IT must shift focus to securing medical apps and data. Whether Android or iOS, mHealth apps and data must be accessible while safe from security risks and compliant with PHI, FDA and HIPAA regulation. For true BYOD security, providers need 100% separation of corporate and personal data.
The Solution: Zero Enterprise Data on Devices with Nubo VMI
Nubo has introduced Virtual Mobile Infrastructure (VMI) technology for the enterprise, enabling ONE safe and secure work environment. Since the environment is remote, zero apps or data are stored on the device. All enterprise data resides in your secured data center. Better yet, Nubo’s patent pending UX over IP Protocol displays apps on devices as a flat image which cannot be analyzed or screen-captured. This means no data needs to be secured on personal devices, translating to an uncompromised working environment for both IT and health professionals.
The Result: Enhanced Healthcare BYOD & Security
Nubo enhances security and compliance while enabling the widespread mobile app adoption that is key to achieving the goals of mobile health. What does VMI mean for healthcare providers?
- Zero patient data on mobile devices, maximum security for PHI and HIPAA compliance for healthcare providers.
- 100% separation of medical and personal data – you no longer need to manage devices.
- Healthcare practitioners can respond, collaborate and deliver wherever they are, while you gain peace of mind and keep control of all the data.
- With all data located on the data center, you can immediately connect and disconnect devices from your network.
- Health professionals can move seamlessly from device to device, increasing productivity.
- Practitioners can trust their personal privacy is respected and are more likely to follow BYOD policies.
- Users enjoy a native mobile experience across all platforms while all data is kept secured in your data center.
- Holistic security enables Single sign-on and long-term scalability.
What’s Included
- Top-level security & control for corporate data
- One delightful & consistent native mobile workspace for all employees
- Business-class apps, email, calendar, word, excel,
RIP powerpoint and much more…
- Access to more than 1.5 million Android apps
- Personal storage
- iOS & Android support
- Control Panel, full management on the cloud
- Immediately connect or disconnect devices
- Seamless integration with your email
Exchange server, LDAP & Active Directory
A Cure for Healthcare’s Cyber Breach Epidemic
VMI takes mobile endpoints out of the security equation for IT and the burden of security out of employees’ hands, freeing medical staff to focus on what they do best: patient care. achieving the goals of mobile health. What does VMI mean for healthcare providers?
Healthcare Mobile Security Needs Virtual Stitches
IT departments can’t protect medical data with device-based security, but can leverage VMI to keep PHI where it’s safest.
Why BYOD Most Strive for Surgical Security
With higher stakes and greater BYOD challenges than any other industry, healthcare just might be the ultimate enterprise mobility case study.